
RA Customs

Terms And Conditions

1) Interpretation

In these Conditions the following words shall have the following meanings.

“Acknowledgement” means a written acknowledgement confirming that we are able to process Your Order.

“Buyer” means the purchaser of the Goods and/or Services referred to in these Conditions as”You” or “Your”.

“Conditions” means the standard terms and conditions of sale set out in this document.

“Contract” means a legally binding contract made in accordance with Clause 3 of these Conditions.

“Goods” means the goods described in the Order.

“Order” means an order placed by You for the purchase of Goods and/or Services.

“Party” means a party to the Contract.

“Price” means the price of the Goods and/or Services in any Order accepted by Us in accordance with Clause 3.3.

“Seller” means RA Customs (registered in UK under company number 2671935 and VAT number 576 5834 92 referred to in these Conditions as “We”, “Our” or “Us”.

“Services” means the services described in the Order.

“Site” means Our website found at https://racustoms.co.uk/

“Working Day” means any day (other than a Saturday and Sunday) on which the London clearing banks are open for business.

1.1) Any reference in these Conditions to any provision of a statute shall be construed as a reference to that provision as amended, re-enacted or extended at the relevant time.

1.2) The headings in these Conditions are for convenience only and shall not affect their interpretation.

1.3) Where the context dictates in these Conditions, the singular shall include the plural and vice versa and any gender includes the other gender.

1.4) Any reference to a Clause shall mean a clause of these Conditions.


2.1) These Conditions include the terms of Our privacy policy, which may be accessed from the “homepage” of the Site.

2.2) If You register with Us via our Site, You will be deemed to accept these Conditions and You may copy these Conditions and store them for Your future reference. Please read the provisions set out below carefully before submitting an Order.

2.3) When You register You may create a customer I.D. We will issue You with a password and confirm the customer I.D. that You have selected, or if You choose a customer I.D. that is in use or inappropriate, You will be asked to choose another customer ID. You must at all times keep your password and customer I.D. confidential.

2.4) You must notify Us immediately of any unauthorised use of Your customer ID or password, or of any breach of security known to You. We can require You to change Your customer ID and/or password for security reasons. If You wish to change Your customer ID and/or password You may contact Us and do so.

2.5) You are responsible for all activities which occur under Your customer ID and password, save where such activities occur as a result of Our negligence.


3.1) The goods displayed on the Site, in Our catalogues, advertisements and other materials and information about the goods, the services and the prices on the Site or elsewhere are an invitation for You to offer to buy and are not an offer by Us to sell which is capable of acceptance by You.

3.2) You may place an Order with Us by contacting Us by telephone, completing an order form and posting or faxing it back to Us or when you click the “Complete Order” button after completing Our on-line order form. Each Order will constitute an offer by You to purchase the Goods and/or Services subject to these Conditions.

3.3) Each of Your Orders shall be deemed accepted by Us if We issue an Acknowledgement to You, deliver Goods to You or commence performance of any Services or We do not contact You within three days of receiving Your Order to advise You that We are unable to accept it (whichever of the foregoing happens first). Acceptance in accordance with this clause will create a binding Contract, subject to these Conditions. Please note that We will only issue an Acknowledgement where You have requested that We do so or where We agree to supply Goods that are tailored to Your specifications.

3.4) Acceptance of Your Order is not a guarantee by Us of the availability of the Goods and all acceptances and/or acknowledgements are conditional on availability of the Goods and the availability of resources to perform the Services.

3.5) If You are an individual purchasing as a consumer (as defined by the Distance Selling Regulations 2000) You must be over eighteen (18) years of age and have completed Our registration process before You can purchase Goods and/or Services from Us.

3.6) If the Goods which You have ordered are not available or We are unable to perform the Services you have requested, We shall inform You of this as soon as possible but in any event within thirty (30) days from when You placed Your Order.

3.7) If You receive confirmation of an Order which You did not place, or if the details in the Acknowledgement do not match the Order which You placed or intended to place, You must contact Our customer services department to cancel the Order or correct the details.

3.8) These Conditions are the only conditions upon which We are prepared to deal with You and shall apply to the exclusion of all others (except those which by law, We cannot exclude). Any standard form documents You issue to Us which purport to apply any standard terms and conditions of Yours are accepted by Us for convenience only and shall not affect the application of this Clause (regardless of when or how those documents are sent to us).

3.9) If You place an Order for Goods for which We are required to tailor the Goods to Your specifications, or the quantity of Goods is such that We are required to place a specific order with Our suppliers, We will ask for payment of the Price in full in advance.


4.1) These Conditions shall apply to the Contract to the exclusion of any other terms and conditions on which any quotation has been given to You, or upon which the Order may be placed by You.

4.2) Subject to Clause 5.1 of these Conditions, no variation of the Contract shall be binding unless agreed in writing by one of Our authorised representatives and/or confirmed by Us in the Acknowledgement.

4.3) Our employees and agents are not authorised to make any representations concerning the Goods and/or Services unless confirmed by Us in writing. In entering into the Contract You acknowledge that You do not rely on any such representations which are not confirmed by Us in writing.

4.4) All illustrations, dimensions, weights and capacities listed on the Site, or in any catalogue, price list or other advertisement are intended merely to present a general idea of the Goods described and shall not form part of the Contract. The Goods described on the Site, although often a standard design, are subject to Our policy of continuous improvement and We reserve the right to incorporate changes or to make substitutions.

4.5) Any typographical, clerical or other error or omission on the Site or in any sales literature, quotation, price list, Acknowledgement, invoice or other document or information issued by Us shall be subject to correction without any liability on Our part.

4.6) We will retain a copy of Your Order and any Acknowledgement for the period of one year from the date Your Order was placed with Us and You may have access to either or both on reasonable notice by contacting Us.


5.1) We reserve the right in Our absolute discretion to make any changes to the Goods and/or Services which do not in Our opinion materially affect the quality of the Goods and/or the Services.


6.1) The Price displayed is in pounds sterling (unless otherwise stated) and is exclusive of VAT and all other applicable taxes of any country, including but without limitation import taxes. You must notify Us if You require Us to deliver outside of mainland England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland and We will inform You whether We can deliver the Goods and/or provide the Services and confirm the cost.

6.2) Payment must be made in pounds sterling and can be made by using any major UK credit card, debit card or corporate purchasing card shown on the Site or on an account basis. Accounts are opened solely at Our discretion and all sums are due strictly net monthly.

6.3) Payment by any UK credit card, or debit card or corporate purchasing card is subject to authorisation by the credit card issuer. If such authorisation is refused to Us, We will not be liable for any delay or non-delivery of the Goods and/or Services and the Order will be deemed to be cancelled.

6.4) We will take all reasonable care to keep Your Order and payment details secure, but We will not be held liable for any loss You might suffer if a third party obtains unauthorised access to any data You have submitted to the Site unless such loss has been caused by Our negligence.6.5) If payment is made by UK credit card or debit card, the card will be debited when the Order is placed.

6.6) Orders placed through the Site will not be subject to any administration handling charge.

6.7) Any prices published by Us by any means are subject to change by Us at any time without notice.

6.8) If You fail to pay Us any sum due pursuant to the Contract, You will be liable to pay interest to Us on such sum from the due date for payment at an annual rate of four percent (4%) above the base lending rate of National Westminster Bank Plc from time to time accruing on a daily basis until payment is made in full (whether before or after any judgement).

6.9) Without prejudice to Clause 6.8, if You fail or We reasonably believe that You will fail to pay for the Goods and/or the Services when due We may demand payment of all sums due and suspend any future performance of the Contract until all overdue sums have been paid.

6.10) In the event that You make any overpayment to Us, We will advise You of this within a reasonable period of time and repay any such overpayment to You at Your request. In the event that You fail to request repayment within 4 (four) years of the date upon which We originally advised You of Your overpayment, We shall be entitled to retain such overpayment. Please note that You will not be entitled to receive any interest in respect of the time that any overpayment is held by Us.


7.1) Delivery of the Goods shall be made to the address on mainland England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland that You provide in the Order, or such other address that We may agree in writing.

7.2) We will deliver the Goods and/or commence the Services on a Working Day convenient to Us unless You give Us specific instructions in which case We will arrange a due date for delivery of the Goods and/or commencement of the Services with You. If we agree to deliver Goods to You and You fail for any reason to take delivery of the Goods on the due date, an attempt at re-delivery will take place at Your cost on an alternative Working Day at Our convenience unless You notify Us in writing whereupon We will seek to agree to re-deliver on a mutually convenient Working Day. If no such date can be agreed, We will attempt to re-deliver on a Working Day convenient to Us. If You fail to take delivery of the Goods on the re-arranged delivery date:(a) delivery will be deemed to have taken place on the second due date for delivery;(b) risk in the Goods will pass to You on the second due date for delivery;(c) We may (without prejudice to any of our other rights) dispose of the Goods at the best price reasonably obtainable or arrange for their storage at our premises or elsewhere; and(d) You will indemnify Us in respect of any shortfall between the Price and the price actually obtained for the Goods if sold and any loss or expense incurred by Us including storage and insurance charges arising from Your failure to take delivery on the first due date.

7.3) We will endeavour to deliver the Goods to You and/or commence the Services within thirty (30) days of You placing the Order with Us but You acknowledge that it may not always be possible to deliver the Goods and/or commence the Services within this timeframe and You agree that delivery of the Goods and/or commencement of the Services may take longer. Any dates or times for delivery of the Goods and/or commencement of the Services quoted by Us are estimates only. We shall not be liable if the Goods are not delivered and/or the Services are not commenced within such thirty (30) day period or for any failure to meet any estimated delivery date or for any costs, charges or expenses incurred as a result of any delay. You will not be entitled to refuse to accept any Goods or the provision of any Services or to cancel the Contract with Us merely because of such failure.

7.4) We reserve the right to deliver and invoice the Goods and/or provide the Services in instalments and in such event each instalment shall be treated as a separate Contract and delivery of further instalments may be withheld until the Goods and/or Services comprised in earlier instalments have been paid for in full.

7.5) Goods will be delivered at the point on Your premises most convenient for Our carrier. Further transfer or installation within Your premises, regardless of the size and weight of the Goods, will be charged extra. You must notify Us of any obstacles on Your premises, (including but without limitation, narrow driveways, rough terrain and unauthorised access) which may preclude Us from delivering the Goods and/or providing the Services and if such circumstances apply We reserve the right to charge an additional fee prior to such delivery of the Goods and/or commencement of the Services.

7.6) Risk of damage to or loss of the Goods shall pass to You:(a) in the case of Goods to be collected from Our premises, at the time when We notify You that the Goods are available for collection; or(b) in the case of Goods to be delivered to Your premises by Us, when We deliver such Goods to Your premises (or, where You fail to take delivery, on the second due date for delivery in accordance with clause 7.2); or(c) at the time of posting, if You request the Goods to be posted by Us to You; or (d) at the time of Us handing the Goods to a third party if You arrange for the Goods to be collected by a third party carrier.

7.7) Subject to the provisions of Clause 7.9, the property in the Goods shall not pass to You until We have received in cash or cleared funds payment in full of the Price and all other sums due to Us from You. Until such time as property in the Goods passes to You, You shall hold the Goods as Our fiduciary agent and bailee, and shall keep the Goods properly stored, protected, fully insured and identified as Our property on the insurance policy, a copy of which You shall supply to Us following a request by Us to see it.

7.8) If You are in business You may offer for sale and sell the Goods, provided you do so only at the best obtainable price in the ordinary course of your business as principal and not as Our agent. We shall, by reason of the relationship of bailment between You (as bailee) and Us (as bailor) be and remain legally and beneficially entitled to the proceeds of sale of the Goods and You shall pay such proceeds of sale into a separate account or, otherwise, shall ensure that all of the proceeds of the sale are kept by or on behalf of You in a separate and identifiable form. The proceeds shall not be paid into an overdrawn bank account. Upon receipt of the proceeds of sale, You shall discharge Your debt to Us and shall not use or deal with the proceeds of sale in any way whatsoever until such debt has been discharged. If You are not in business You shall not be entitled to sell, pledge or in any way charge by way of security for any indebtedness any of the Goods, which remain Our property.

7.9) If You pay the Price to Us in full prior to the Goods being manufactured by Us or ordered by Us, risk in the Goods shall pass pursuant to Clause 7.6 and property in the Goods shall be deemed to pass at the same time.

7.10) Until such time as property in the Goods passes to You, We shall be entitled at any time to require You to return the Goods to Us and, if You fail to do so promptly, to enter upon any of Your premises or any premises of a third party where the Goods are stored and repossess the Goods.

7.11) The manner of packing and transportation of the Goods shall be at our discretion with no extra charge to You unless We specify otherwise. No liability shall be accepted for failure to pack to any particular standard, or against any particular risk unless the requirement for such packing is specifically brought to Our attention, accepted in writing by Us and paid for by You.

7.12) Before signing for the Goods upon delivery the Goods and packaging must be checked carefully. If the packaging is damaged, or the Goods appear to be damaged, or any parts missing, You must inform Us immediately having made an appropriate note on the carrier’s delivery documentation.

7.13) Subject to the provisions of Clause 8, if You do not notify Us immediately of such damaged packaging, or parts missing, You may lose the right to reject the Goods.


8.1) If you have ordered goods as a consumer (as defined by the Distance Selling Regulations 2000), you may cancel the order by contacting us within (7) days of receiving the goods without any liability to us, except any direct cost incurred by us in relation to the goods being returned and we will refund to you any part of the price of the goods that we have received, provided that the goods have not been specifically tailored to your specifications, or personalised, or the goods by their very nature cannot be returned or are liable to deteriorate, and provided that You return the Goods to Us.

8.2) We are also happy to offer you a “no quibble” guarantee, in accordance with the following provisions of this clause 8, regardless of whether You purchase from Us in Your capacity as a business or a consumer. If you purchase Goods from Us in Your capacity as a consumer, Our “no quibble” guarantee does not affect Your rights pursuant to the Distance Selling Regulations 2000.

8.3) If for any reason You decide You do not want to keep any Goods We have delivered to You, We will offer You a refund of the Price paid by You, or provide You with a credit note to the value of the Goods to be returned or replace those goods free of charge subject to the following conditions:(a) You must obtain a Returned Goods Authorisation number by telephoning us on (07456796283) or email us ([email protected]), within 7 days of the date of delivery of those Goods. Items returned after 7 days from receipt may be subject to a restocking charge of 10%. This does not affect your statutory rights.(b) promptly after receiving the Returned Goods authorisation code, You must send those Goods to Us at Your own cost and risk;(c) if the Goods are damaged, used or are not returned in their original packaging, we reserve the right to withhold a percentage of the refund value if the item needs to be reduced in price for resale; and(d) the Goods must not have been personalised by Us at Your request or otherwise made in accordance with a specification unique to You.

8.4) We reserve the right to charge You the full Price (to the extent that We have not already done so) or any portion thereof, in Our absolute discretion, for any Goods that You may return to Us where the provisions of clause 8.3 above are not satisfied. We reserve the right to levy a handling charge associated with the return of any such Goods.

8.5) Your statutory rights are not affected by anything in this Clause.


9.1) Subject to the provisions of Clause 9.3, We warrant in respect of all Goods ordered after 1 September 2002, that for a period of one (1) year from the date of delivery of the Goods We will, at Our sole discretion, repair or replace any defective Goods (or the part in question) where the defect in question arises from defective workmanship within a reasonable period of time or refund to You the Price (or a proportionate part of the Price).

9.2) If You discover a fault with the Goods and wish to make a claim on the warranty detailed in Clause 9.1, You shall issue a written notice to Us containing the following details:(a) Your name and address;(b) the name and product code number of the defective Goods;(c) the date of delivery; and(d) the defect complained of.

9.3) The warranty set out in Clause 9.1 will not apply and We will not be liable for any defective Goods where and to the extent that:(a) the defect arises as a result of the condition of Your premises;(b) the defect arises as a result of Your negligence or (if You are in business) the negligence of Your employees, agents or subcontractors;(c) the defect arises as a result of fair wear and tear, accident, misuse, wilful damage, or abnormal working Conditions;(d) the defect arises as a result of competition use where subject to extreme heat and stress greatly reduces life expectancy and durability. You should note that any claim for failure/wear, shall not be considered by Us.(e) the defect arises as a result of any defective materials or equipment used in conjunction with the Goods that are not supplied by Us;(f) You make any further use of the Goods or attempt to repair it or have it repaired by someone other than Us after giving written notice of the defect to Us;(g) the defect arises because You have failed to follow Our instructions (whether oral or in writing) as to the storage, assembly, installation, commissioning, use, or maintenance of the Goods;(h) You fail to notify Us in writing of the defect in accordance with Clause 9.2 of these Conditions;

9.4) Where Goods are not manufactured by Us, You may be covered by a manufacturer’s warranty attaching to the Goods in question. Where We are permitted to do so, We reserve the right to refer You to claim under such warranty in respect of any defects in those Goods.

9.5) Subject as expressly provided in these Conditions, all warranties, conditions or other terms implied by statute or common law are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.

9.6) Where the Goods are sold under a consumer transaction (as defined by the Consumer Transactions (Restrictions on Statements) Order 1976) Your statutory rights are not affected by these Conditions and, for the avoidance of any doubt, the terms implied by sections 13, 14 and 15 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979, are not excluded by any clause of these Conditions.

9.7) No terms relating to care and skill shall be incorporated into these Conditions in relation to the provision of the Services other than that We shall perform the Services with reasonable care and skill.


10.1) The following provisions set out Our entire liability (including any liability for the acts or omissions of Our employees, agents and sub-contractors) to You in respect of any breach of the Contract, any representation, statement or tortious act or omission, including but without limitation, negligence arising under or in connection with the Contract.

10.2) Subject to clause 10.5, Our total liability under the Contract shall be limited to the Price We have received from You.

10.3) Subject to clause 10.5, We shall have no liability in respect of any defect in the Goods arising from fair wear and tear, wilful damage, negligence, modification, abnormal working conditions, failure to follow Our instructions (whether oral or in writing), misuse or alteration or repair of the Goods without Our approval. We shall be under no liability if the total Price has not been paid by the due date for payment.

10.4) Subject to clause 10.5, We shall not be liable to You for any loss of profit, or any indirect, special or consequential loss, including but without limitation, loss of business, loss of goodwill, overhead recovery or any other such costs, damages, expenses or claims.

10.5) Nothing in the Contract or these Conditions shall exclude or limit Our liability for any death or any personal injury caused by Our negligence.


11.1) We shall not be liable to You or be deemed to be in breach of any Contract by reason of any delay in performing, or any failure to perform, any of Our obligations in relation to the provision of the Services and/or sale of the Goods if the delay or failure was due to any event beyond our reasonable control, including but not limited to:(a) act of God, explosion, flood, tempest, fire or accident;(b) war or threat of war, terrorism, sabotage, insurrection, civil disturbance or requisition;(c) acts, restrictions, regulations, bye-laws, prohibitions or measures of any kind on the part of any governmental, parliamentary or local authority;(d) import or export regulations or embargoes;(e) strikes, lock-outs or other industrial actions or trade disputes (whether involving employees of the Seller or of a third party);(f) difficulties in obtaining raw materials, labour, fuel, parts or machinery;(g) power failure or breakdown in machinery.

11.2) If any of the circumstances detailed in Clause 11.1 should arise, We shall have the right to suspend the Contract and/or defer delivery without incurring any liability of any nature to You. If such event detailed in Clause 11.1 prevents Us from performing Our obligations to You under the Contract for a period in excess of three (3)months from You placing the Order, You will be entitled to cancel Your Order without any liability of either Party to the other and We shall refund to You any part of the Price paid in relation to such cancellation or suspension.


12.1) The names, images, pictures, logos and icons identifying Us, or Our Goods and/or Services are, unless otherwise stated, our intellectual property. Other products, pictures, images, logos, and icons and company names mentioned on Our Site may belong to other companies.

12.2) All intellectual property rights in the design, content and arrangement of Our Site (including its text and graphics, all software compilations or underlying source code, and all other material on our website) are reserved by Us or Our content and/or technology providers.

12.3) You may not use any materials contained on Our Site for any purpose other than placing an Order for the Goods and/or Services and taking a copy of these Conditions, which must be used strictly for Your own record.

12.4) Access to the Site is on an “as is” basis and We give no further warranties, express, implied or statutory including but without limitation, the implied warranties of satisfactory quality or fitness for a particular purpose of the Site or the availability of the Site and We shall be under no liability for any downtime or malfunction of the Site.


13.1) We may, without prejudice to any rights or remedies which We may have against You, defer or cancel the Contract if:

(a) You commit a breach of any of Your obligations under the Contract which is not capable of remedy; or

(b) You commit a breach of any of Your obligations under the Contract which is capable of remedy but which has not been remedied within a period of ten (10) days following receipt of written notice to do so; or

(c) You (if You are in business) enter into any compromise or arrangement with Your creditors, or if an order is made or an effective resolution is passed for Your winding up (except for the purposes of amalgamation or reconstruction as a solvent company) or if a petition is presented to court, or if a receiver, manager, administrative receiver or administrator is appointed in respect of the whole or any part of Your undertaking or assets; or

(d) You (if You are in business) cease or threaten to cease to carry on Your business; or

(e) You (if You are an individual) are made bankrupt.


14.1) You shall indemnify Us in full against and hold Us harmless from all claims, costs, damages, liabilities, expenses (including but without limitation legal expenses) demands and judgements awarded against or incurred or paid by Us as a result of or in connection with any failure by You (or Your employees, agents and subcontractors) to comply with any of Your obligations pursuant to these Conditions.


15.1) Notwithstanding any other provision of these Conditions, the provisions of this Clause 15 will apply where the Goods are supplied for export from the United Kingdom unless otherwise agreed in writing between the Parties.

15.2) The Uniform Laws on International Sales Act 1967 shall not apply.

15.3) We shall be under no obligation to give You notice as specified in Section 32(3) of the Sales of Goods Act 1979 and the Goods shall be at Your risk from the time the Goods have been placed at Your disposal at Our premises. Title in the Goods shall pass to You on receipt of payment in full of the Price.

15.4) Section 26(3) of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 shall apply and all liability for death or injury arising directly or indirectly from the sale of the Goods in circumstances where Your main place of business, or Your habitual residence, is outside the United Kingdom shall be expressly excluded to the fullest extent permissible by law.

15.5) You shall be solely responsible for obtaining at Your own cost all import authorisations and complying with any legislation or regulation governing the export of the Goods from the United Kingdom and the importation of the Goods into the country of destination and for payment of any relevant duties or taxes.

15.6) You shall make payment in pounds sterling in advance of delivery of the Goods, or if We agree in writing, either by way of an irrevocable letter of credit confirmed by a UK clearing bank at Your expense, or on an account basis which We may open at Our discretion and which must be settled by You strictly within 30 days from the date of the invoice.

15.7) All Goods will be sold on an ex works basis unless We agree otherwise in writing.


16.1) The Contract is personal to You and You shall not assign or transfer or purport to assign or transfer to any other person any of Your rights or sub-contract any of Your obligations under the Contract.

16.2) We may assign any Contract or subcontract the performance of some or all of Our obligations under any Contract, including but without limitation, the provision of the Services.


17.1) Notices shall be deemed to be served on delivery when delivered by hand, on receipt of a printout confirming due transmission when transmitted by facsimile, or five (5) days after mailing if sent by mail, provided the postage is properly paid and such notice is correctly addressed to the respective party at the address made known by each Party prior to entering into the Contract. If You change Your address for notification purposes, then You shall give Us written notice of the new address and the date on which it shall become effective. We shall notify You of a change of Our address on the “contacts” page of the Site which You should always check before attempting to contact Us.


18.1) We reserve the right to amend these Conditions without any prior notice to You. The supply of Goods and/or Services to You ordered via the Site will be governed by the Conditions which were available on the Site when You placed Your Order.


19.1) No waiver by Us of any breach of the Contract or these Conditions by You shall be considered as a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other provision, and no failure or delay by Us in enforcing any of these Conditions shall be considered as a waiver of the right in question.


20.1) Nothing in the Contract or these Conditions shall constitute or be construed as constituting a partnership or joint venture between You and Us or shall authorise either Party to enter into contractual relationships or incur obligations on behalf of the other Party.


21.1) An entity which is not expressly a Party to the Contract has no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any term of the Contract or these Conditions.


22.1) If any provision of these Conditions or the Contract is found by any competent authority or a court of law to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remainder of these Conditions and the Contract shall continue in full force and effect.


23.1) These Conditions and the Contract formed pursuant to them represent the entire agreement between the Parties relating to the purchase of the Goods and/or the Services and supersedes all prior agreements, arrangements and undertakings between the Parties relating to the Goods and/or the Services and You agree that You will have no remedy in respect of any untrue representation innocently or negligently made by or on behalf of Us prior to entering into the Contract which You relied upon in entering into the Contract whether such representation was made orally or in writing. Nothing in these Conditions shall exclude or limit Our liability for fraudulent misrepresentation.


24.1) These Terms of Service and any separate agreements whereby we provide you Services shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of United Kingdom.


Questions about the Terms of Service should be sent to us at
[email protected]

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